
In June 2018, Kehilat Derech Yeshara (KDY) was founded with the goal of providing a strong foundation for the next generation of our community. KDY’s vision is to create more than just a place to pray – but a spiritual, educational, and social environment that enables the growth and development of our future leaders.

Mission Statement

  1. to maintain a place of worship in accordance with the Jewish Code of Law written by R. Yosef. Karo (Shulchan Aruch) and the Syrian Sephardic ritual
  2. to foster a deeper connection to G-d through:
      1. Kiyum Torah: The establishment of Torah by study, experience, and its sincere implementation
      2. Pursuit for Truth: The engagement of healthy discussion on all issues faced by the Jewish Nation
      3. Responsibility: Hands-on service for the Jewish community and world at large
  3. to promote educational and social activities for its members and their families

Rabbi Benhamu

At the center of this mission is Rabbi Avraham Benhamu, whose everlasting passion and devotion have been the driving forces behind our Kahal. Born in London and raised in Bogota, Colombia, Rabbi Benhamu studied in Israel at Yeshivat Birkat Moshe in Maale Adumim and received his semikha from the Rabbi Isaac Elhanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) at Yeshiva University. Rabbi Benhamu received his Master’s degree in Jewish History from the Graduate School for Jewish Studies (GSJS) at Touro College and is currently Chairman of Judaic Studies at the Yeshivah of Flatbush after teaching there for over 21 years. Rabbi Benhamu’s 20 years of guidance and dedication tocommunity minyanim are an immeasurable resource as we strive to succeed in reaching our goals.

Goals and Focuses for the Year

A number of goals have been outlined for this year in order to start fulfilling our objectives as outlined in the Mission Statement

  • Synagogue: The continuation of a fully functional synagogue offering weekend and weekday services commencing with the 5779 Rosh Hashanah and High Holiday services.
  • Kiyum Torah: It is not enough to talk about Torah in an abstract or distant fashion, rather, we must find ways of implementing the Torah into our daily lives and living by its ways.
  • Pursuit for Truth: As part of our scheduled classes, we will be holding monthly Town Hall Meetings that will discuss far ranging issues facing the community at large. It is our hope that increased openness and transparency will foster new solutions and increased awareness of these social/economic issues.
  • Responsibility: Events will be scheduled throughout the year aimed to serve the community at large and lend a hand to those in need of our assistance.
  • Social Activities: KDY will be hosting community social events specifically to target the 18-30 age adults during the year. This will provide a space for young adults in the community to socialize during a time where there oftentimes aren’t any events for months.